You followed the rules.
Built the life.
Earned the titles.
So why does it feel like something is missing?
(Because there is…
and it’s a connection
with your soul!)
Hi there,
For the past 14 years, I’ve worked with almost 200 executives who came to me saying things like…
"I just want to stop pretending... always being the together one, the reliable one, always successful, always the perfect everything."
"I want to figure out what I really want—what I was born to do, not what everyone else wants me to do."
"I want to wake up feeling excited and alive... knowing I'm doing what matters to me, (not what makes other people rich.)"
"Most of all, I want to feel whole."
"To feel like the person I was meant to be before I gave up parts of myself to survive, to succeed, to fit in."
"I want to find her again. I want to trust her again. I want to be her. And I don’t want to be afraid of what happens when I do."
And, over time, I developed three ways of helping them: ______, _____ and _________.
If you’ve climbed the corporate (or other) ladder but feel trapped, drained, or lost, this is the place for you.
“I'm doing more, with less effort, in a way that feels right for me.”
Nicola B, PhD. Research Team Head & Lecturer
You’re not here to play small
Somewhere—in this lifetime or in another—you learned power comes with a price
…you used it and lost it.
…you used it and abused it.
…you spoke up and got cut down.
…you were burned.
…you were crucified.
So you learned to make yourself small
to fit in, to survive, to succeed.
And now?
You hesitate. You hold back. You soften when you should lead.
And the worst part?
You know you’re doing it.
This isn’t about confidence. Or productivity. Or mindset tricks.
This is healing what’s been holding you back at the soul level—so you can move forward without the struggle.
👉 [Is this your story?]
Why Most Approaches Don’t Go Deep Enough
Traditional success models, therapy, coaching all have their place. But they work at the level of the mind.
This isn’t ‘insight’, ‘mindset’, ‘success tips/hacks’ (sorry, Tim Ferris, Tony Robbins.)
This is soul-deep.
If you’ve tried everything and still feel like you’re struggling with the same patterns, it’s because you’re not dealing with the roots.
Unspoken beliefs... Soul contracts and imprints.. Past-life and ancestral patterns that still run your life behind the scenes.
You don’t need another strategy. You need to reset at the deepest level.
What Changes When You Do This Work?
✔ You stop searching. No more figuring out your purpose. You remember it. You are it.
✔ Decisions are effortless. You stop second-guessing. You just know.
✔ You stop pushing. Life begins to align with you. Opportunities, connections, and resources show up effortlessly.
✔ You become a conscious creator. You stop living from obligations, expectations, or primitive survival patterns. You create from deep alignment, from the truth of who you are.
✔ You live your soul’s truth. No more bending, twisting or fitting yourself into a ‘success’ that was never true for you. You lead as your highest self.
✔ You stop struggling. Life starts feeling lighter, easier—because you’re no longer fighting yourself.
This is not self-improvement.
This is self-liberation.
👉 [Step Into Your True Path Now]
I See You. I Get It. I’ve Been There.
Hi, I’m Andrew Wayfinder—author of Free Your Soul: A How-To Guide & Story About Discovering Your Life's Purpose, psychotherapist, shamanic healer and teacher.
I know what it’s like to have it all on paper—titles, accolades, a shiny outside life—and still be searching inside.
I was supposed to be an investment banker. (That lasted 6 weeks when my soul said, “No”)
So I pivoted. Architecture. Ecological design. Saving the planet. It worked—for a while.
At 40, my mother died, and the wheels came off my life.
Grief blew me wide open. Every buried trauma, ancestral wound, and quiet moment I’d ignored came roaring in.
Therapy helped. (So much that I became a therapist.)
But I still didn’t have the answers I needed.
Then I found shamanism. And everything changed.
Through soul-deep spiritual work, I reclaimed the parts of myself I’d lost and buried to fit in, to survive, to be “successful”.
I found peace. Purpose. A life that actually felt like mine.
Since then, I’ve spent over a decade helping Fortune 500-level leaders navigate the demands of their careers and follow their soul’s true calling.
Because you aren’t here to grind your way through a life that looks good but feels empty.
Let’s change that.
👉 [Read My Full Story]
Andrew Wayfinder Hryniewicz, HG Dip (Dist.)
Author, Psychotherapist, Shamanic Healer & Teacher

How We Work Together
We don’t paddle around on the surface... re-arranging the furniture of your mind… or doing more in a system that already has you burned out.
We dive deep and break the old spells that keep you playing small, pushing, struggling for what is already yours.
✔ We clear the hidden contracts—soul-level agreements that have kept you struggling, trapped, unfulfilled. Contracts you don’t remember making but have been obeying for lifetimes.
✔ We dissolve past-life imprints—betrayals, silences, burned bridges and stolen crowns that have blocked and denied your path. No more carrying wounds and stories that aren’t yours.
✔ We recover your soul’s destiny—the life you came here to live before fear rewrote your script. You remember who you are, why you’re here, and what you want to create.
✔ We rewrite your fear of power—turning doubt into certainty, struggle into flow, and hesitation into action. You don’t wait to be chosen. You choose yourself.
✔ We awaken your angelic essence—a deep, unshakable presence that moves through the world with ease and authority. The part of you that never doubts, never wavers, never needs permission to shine.
We are not healing so you can simply feel better
(or stop feeling broken…)
We are breaking free so you are whole.
Is it time to reclaim your true self and the destiny that has been calling you all along?
👉 [Step Into Your True Path Now]
What Clients Say
You’re Not Here by Accident
You’re not here to follow a script—you’re here to write your own story.
But something keeps pulling you back.
Expectations. Old wounds. Inherited fears that whisper power is dangerous or you have to struggle to deserve it.
Your soul already knows why you’re here. What you’re here to create. And your path to more—not more hustle, but more alignment, more trust, more ease.
You don’t need to find yourself. You just need to connect—to your soul’s power, wisdom, and purpose.
If you’re ready to stop searching and start connecting—let’s begin.
👉 [Work With Me]